Friday, March 27, 2009

Cheer up session

So I asked the bestie if we could go to the movies because my last 3 posts explain I was feeling really bad. I love watching movies because I love the stories they entertain me. We went to Applebees had a great time. I love hanging out with her, we have great conversations. She deals with a lot of my stuff and I know she really doesn't have too. She always has good advice and tells me truth whether I want to hear it or not. I feel like whatever I tell her she will give me an honest judgement on it. Though at times I perfer not getting into arguement over things but thats unavoidable its a packaged deal with any friendship. I never feel like she's forcing herself to be my friend or that she is just hanging out with me when she has nothing to do.

We went to see Knowing it was a really good movie I really liked it though it was sci-fi and it's hard for me to like movies within that genre. I expected the movie to have a cheesy ending but suprisingly it had a very realistic ending well not your average hollywood ending where in some way everything is just dandy I love movies like that.

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