Monday, August 31, 2009

Pretend finale of summer

This was one big bad summer I want to just relieve the last 2 yrs of my life. Not because I regret anything but because things I would want to change prevent. Only 2 good things came this summer ok may be three
1. I found out y I apologize.
When I was a kid no matter what I Did most of the time you say sorry and everything goes back like u just did a fucking re do button to life I guess It stuck the unrealistic idea of everything going back to normal. I apologize alot but I mean it everytime I say sorry EVERYTIME!

2. I'm the Nike spokesperson for the advantage department.
That I say yes and do whatever it takes to try to make loved ones happy I rarly say no but people are starting to walk over me and they know they don't have to say or do anything they suggest it and I just do it

3. Boundaries and closeness
everyone has boundaries that need to be respected and the closeness u can think ur close to someone and realize you never really knew them

we all wear masks we only see what the other wants use to see

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