Thursday, August 20, 2009

Letting Go

Letting go is the hardest part of any type of relationship.
It's hard for everyone it could be parents, friends, lovers, potenional lovers, or even family.

I'm one of those people that it's so hard for me to let go of things with everything I try to hold on to dead friendships, I chill with people that really don't want to chill with me, I talk to my ex and to 2 of my past flings like they never left it's kinda ridiculous.

A couple of months ago I stopped talking to this guy at his request something about not repecting his chick if we stayed friends i've never met this man I respected his wishes but acouple days ago he hits me up I ignore it and keep it moving same thing again. It's like u not gonna befriend me and dip again so take this as the big FU get over yourself.

I'm one of those people that will always be there I cling to things cuz they give me security but if you really don't want me around just let me know I will leave and not look back but for me to get there again it takes a long time I'm not gonna invest myself again knowing that it could just be for just a month or until better people come around.

It's always better letting go when you have both sides you shouldn't do it just cuz you think it's the right thing to do you can't make the choice for the other person cuz then it's not a relationship it's just you.

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