What the fuck is going on in the world why was there like a fucking blizzard today? Why? I truely hate the fucking snow and rain I hate extreme cold and extreme hot but most of all I HATE FUCKING WET WEATHER!!!!! I staied the entire day in my room.
So I on saturday I bought a bottle of Svedka vodka and we only drank half. This morning I looked at the bottle and it was a 4th of the shit missing I thought my friend had an a drink like @ 5 so I didn't ask her but then after our usual monday night crack session aka tv time I asked her. She said no so I asked the rest of the housemates no one fessed up to it.
I was mad. I wasn't mad cuz someone drank it without asking I got upset because someone drank it period! WTF! Like I am the one that usually buys alcohol and puts it in the fridge but now I see I can't do that anymore its grimey season out here. Like my eggs! I walked out of my room to use the bathroom and someone was using them and then asked me if it was ok like wtf I would understand if they were high or they didn't want to wake me but damn I'm fucking broke and buying eggs, bread, butter, sugar and now fucking alcohol every week is not a good fucking look that's at least $40 a week. The food I don't mind sharing but fuck every week restocking is way to much. Like I'm a picky eater so the things I do eat are important to me. Yea they see my friend using it but that doesn't mean they can too.
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