...more like getting pulled down...I don't know why?... Why did I do it to myself? Like I usually avoid a few of these people that I went to get lifted with. Like these people I would chill with them if I really had to, on some forced type shit, but not if I had other shit to do. One of my closest friend, my friend RX and like 2 other people that I can really chill with were the only ones that I would be comfortable with.
The reasoning for me to even go was cuz I couldn't say no. SMH!!! Anyways while I was there it felt like I had just entered another world or like a seceret society, I felt like fucking joshua jackson in skulls, the fucking outsider looking in. All that did was cause me to ask myself "What the fuck! How did I even get here?" For about 3hrs. Any who that experience allowed me to see people a lot more different and sides I didn't even knew existed to some people I thought I knew.
The moral of the story is JUST SAY NO!!! If you have to fucking think about it for about 15min on whether to get lifted or keep it moving... Take the path less traveled your sanity will thank you.
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