How can asking someone if they are ok cause a snowball of terror? I speak to a very limited amount of people all of which have a temper.
I'm not saying this person is wrong … actually they are wrong it's just they are upset and need to vent. For asking the simplest shit I get text yelled at me lol. I ask people a question like "are you ok?" Because I was concerned as friends should be when they feel something's wrong, and I get the big F^$k-off type of answer. I bet you as I'm writing this they are telling someone else how fucked up and nosey of a person I am being when a simple are you ok was asked.
But you know what I deserve it I told myself I wasn't going to care as much about people and I do. I tried to do what I thought I would want someone to ask me if I was feeling like shit and kept it to myself and ask if all was well keep up with distant friends and get shitted on. I'm not upset at my friend she's just angry. I'm upset at ME for being the dumb bitch asking questions and fucking giving two fucks for someone other than myself.
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