Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Playlist Generation

The playlist Generation comment that Colin Munroe made is on the money. It's a generation where music is no longer just one CD of that artist or that type of music. Now the internet has made discovering new music as hearing a key stroke. It's a theory that is a great way to explain diverse ears. It's a collective of great music blended on to your own likes. So you no longer are just a hip hop head or just a pop listener. All these genres have merged into your own ear collective.


Today I received an anonymous email stating that they would like to see more theory post because they enjoyed the pimps and hoes plus my karl marx connections. Well reader the next post will be for you stay tuned.

Colin Munroe speaks the truth...

Colin Munroe is another artisit that I listen to all the time. He has made a very notable (if thats the right way to use it lol XD) remake not even remix ( I never understood that my explainations on things in my next post stay tuned)it was dope. Anyways check the interview. I would have the best interview tactics which would basically be just us chilling lol.

Off The Wall Sessions - Ep. 3 Colin Munroe from OFF THE WALL SESSIONS on Vimeo.

Mike Posner's newest mixtape

This is Mike Posner newest project


Just looking at the tracklist you will see what I'm talking about 10. Mirror's Edge ft.Bun B

Credit to: 2DopeBoyz

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sharing is caring

I think dexter is a great show an an addiction at that. On the topic of TV addiction I missed Heroes this monday for watching a wack ass movie so on that note. I am watching all the heroes I have missed tonight I can't wait!


Here are the pictures I took on Saturday.

300 Chaos

There is more look up my flickr people click to continue

Ok so...

So I'm a Gym Class Heroes fan idk I was online (while at work) and stumbled on to this.

Johnny Cupcakes LA shoppe: Webisode #5 from Johnny Cupcakes on Vimeo.

I Love Travi and I love Johnny Cupcakes. Johnny Cupcakes is like a remarkable brand and I hope that all their expansion brings them success. I think they need to open a store in NY shit I would quit my job to work there lol. SERIOUSLY. I love Cupcakes and I love t-shirts this man started a brand out his house and now has executed an unbelieveable fan base and success his business plan was ridiculous and he came at a perfect time with his product smart business.

If I tried doing a tee shirt brand right now it would flop for 3 reasons.
1. T- shirts are no longer the highlight of an outfit.
2. Jackets and simple, classic, military, and styled attire is the come up right now.
3. To make a great product you have to take the loses early but be able to stand out at the end.

I might not have the motivation or time now but if I truely had the time and wanted to really do the whole design thing I'm sure I can come up with it.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I told my cousin that I had a slamming steak sandwich earlier he want
to the store and came back with this doesn't look like much but yo it

Public Service Memo and the rest of my day

So last night I got duper wasted for those few I called I don't know what I said so please dont hold it against me and if u can forward the message back to me that would be great lol.

Today I spent the day with the always insightful Krusader Vulkan. We talked raped some Internet at a lil low key spot and was directed to the best steak sandwich I've had in a while maybe it's cuz I'm already use to it up in lil DR. Either way it was great. So since V is always taking pics of other people we decide to go for a walk through the
area and take some pics of him it was pretty dope and my pics weren't
all bad I'm learning here people.

Crazy shit happened we were walking in the Avenue A/Bowery area and I'm fucking with my cam and someone runs past me in a leather jacket a hoodie and shades I didn't really look at him cuz of the cam fucking V goes like o shit that was just Scott Cudi I'm like stop playing man
I'm like you know I love that nigga thats not funny. SMFH it was fucking Cudi so close man I'm gonna meet him goal for 2010!

(really slow)La la la la la la KID CuDi!!!

Jess Star

Friday, October 16, 2009

I love this guy!!!

Check out Mike Posner's new mixtape on October 29th

and since I'm posting about music LUCY Navie mixtape has some serious shit on there so people hold out for that one a couple months from now.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

One word says it all TYPICAL shit has become so routine now a days it's getting old really quick

Friday, October 09, 2009

Almost fired

So I just got my ass chewed by my boss well I deserve it I have until November 13 to get everything done wish me luck….

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Wednesday, October 07, 2009


I have really started to hate them. Well in reality what happens after they get exposed. Like I secret family or your secretly have a hidden relationship or you get fired and go to work anyway or your selling drugs... These are all things that ok I just listed some of them don't belong sue me anyways what happens can change your entire life and every single person that it touches. Secrets aren't the only things because rumors are the same. But secrets you choose for yourself.

This was reminded to me by gossip and that movie Atonment life ruiners SMH.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Keeping Shut

How can asking someone if they are ok cause a snowball of terror? I speak to a very limited amount of people all of which have a temper.

I'm not saying this person is wrong … actually they are wrong it's just they are upset and need to vent. For asking the simplest shit I get text yelled at me lol. I ask people a question like "are you ok?" Because I was concerned as friends should be when they feel something's wrong, and I get the big F^$k-off type of answer. I bet you as I'm writing this they are telling someone else how fucked up and nosey of a person I am being when a simple are you ok was asked.

But you know what I deserve it I told myself I wasn't going to care as much about people and I do. I tried to do what I thought I would want someone to ask me if I was feeling like shit and kept it to myself and ask if all was well keep up with distant friends and get shitted on. I'm not upset at my friend she's just angry. I'm upset at ME for being the dumb bitch asking questions and fucking giving two fucks for someone other than myself.




Monday, October 05, 2009

Welcome change

I'm tired of being nice hold shit back get my feelings hurt over small shit and letting fuckheads run my life I'm tired of waiting for friends to appreciate me and what I do for them I'm tired of helpping people to later get shitting on um tired of being a fucking punching bag but guess what that shit is over. I'm debating wether i should give someone who asked for a second chance the rule thoughts in my head though I'm one to want second chances all the time I never voluntarily shit on people and seclud them for no reason in a matter of fact once I'm done posting this I'm texting everyone a piece of my mind...

Friday, October 02, 2009

I love this… K-I-D!

Freestyle with 88 Keys from on Vimeo.

I don't know why I just love his music. I love his down to earth vibe from the interviews that I have read and seen. I'm not his E-Stalker but I have seen a few clips that have really made me want to meet him in real life. It's a goal now Celebs I'll like to meet list (not in this order) and there are reasons:

Jay- Z: just to see if his success rubs off.

Drake Lil' Wayne: to see how tall he really is and to smack for his wackiness, and stealing drake's soul.

50-Cent: just to see how crazy he really is…seriously.

Kid Cudi: Censored ;) (owwwww) nah I love his work as an Artist.

Kanye West: to see how far he fell off the track.

Mike Posner: He's just hot.

Travis McCoy: Just so that he can give me a new tattoo.

Travis Barker: To see if he knows that he's officially black lol.

Big Sean & Mike Posner: at the same time they just look like so much fun.

Chris Brown: To plot the next beating.

These are just the ones that popped up right now. Well this Microsoft word posting shit is the shit.

PS. world hanging out with exes is not always a bad thing…

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Winter is here… What happened to fall?

It seems that this year we have no fall.

We had a very cool and wet summer with 3 weeks of actual summer heat scattered all over. It seems like we had a week of fall hoodie weather and it's like early winter jacket/ light coat weather already. It's going to be snowing by Halloween. Anyway I saw these boots that have caught my eye. I did some shopping got some pick-ups that I hope fits.

Tumblr, Twitter and Flickr Oh My...

My new entertainment internet season lol I'm gonna add internet at home I decided yesterday. So here's the info for my 11 followers or readers who every you are lol. My shit is not set up yet dont judge ok im investing on some stuff like a new laptop.

Gmail me
So you want to IM me